Thursday, January 10, 2019


Everyone wants to possess a fair looking smooth face because it doubles your personality and add to your beauty. Who does not want a wrinkle free face that attracts even a baby? My own research and experiment shows that it is not a mere dream. Trying out new things has always been my hobby. I thought of  how I could lighten my skin and smoothen it so that even my old mom can benefit from it. That led me to a little research and experiment. Everyone thought I was crazy and becoming girlish. But now they keep chasing me to ask me how to make those home remedies.
Now, I am a proud young man who teach people in my locality to make wonderful homemade recipes. Even my brothers follow my crazy instructions I learned from researching and experiments. Follow these instructions and see positive changes to your skin in a matter of few days.

1. Rice water
Who would believe that rice water could be so beneficial to your skin? But the truth is that it is . I find that, in my experiment, there is nothing better than rice water for your skin. It literally lightens your skin and smoothens it making it wrinkle free. Steps to prepare rice water:
* Take a small bowl of rice. You can grind it or use it without grinding as per your wish. Soak it for 1 hour or more. I soak it even longer and there is no problem. 
* Pour out the rice water and put it in a clean container. 
* Apply the rice water with a cotton ball in the morning after you wash your face. You can also apply it before bed and leave it over night.
* Do it everyday and see amazing changes to your skin soon. Do not stop after a few days or else you will return back to normal. It is safe for your skin.

2. Aloe Vera and honey
Everyone knows aloe Vera gel is good for skin and health. But no one cares to really try it. I tried it, my mom and many others tried it. As a matter of fact they still do it. Why not you? It diminishes the skin pores and make it smooth. Steps:
* Cut a fresh aloe Vera leaf. Extract the gel and place a spoonful of it in a clean container.
* Add a half tablespoon of organic honey. I do not recommend putting more because in my experience it is very sticky and sticks on my pillow. You do not want it to happen that way, right?
* Stir the mixture well and apply it direct on your face. You can wash it of after half an hour or leave it over night for best results.
* You can see good results in a few days time but I find that after a month of seeing the results, I never wanna stop it. I sometimes simply swallow the mixture and it pretty delicious. Try it if you don't believe me.

3. Honey and lemon
Both honey and lemon are wonderful ingredients for a healthy skin. When you apply lemon juice alone you feel some uneasy sensations. Mixing the two ingredients helps you relieve that unwanted sensation. However, honey always sticks. So use sparingly. Steps:
 * Cut a fresh lemon and squeeze out a table spoon of the juice. Pour out in a small container.
* Add a little organic honey and mix them thoroughly.
* Apply it on your skin directly. Wash it off after 15 minutes or leave it overnight for best results. You will see changes to your skin                                           very soon.

 Having said all this, I advice you to drink a lot of water and have sufficient sleep. Lack of water and sleep can affect your skin health dramatically. So if you are a person who cares for your skin follow the instructions carefully.
I have many more Home made recipes for health and beauty. I want to keep sharing them for your benefit. So don't forget to come back tomorrow. I write and share everyday. You can also check out the following link for successful relationship and good parenting here in this link:

NOTE: The images I use here are taken from Google advance image search, free to use or share even commercially


Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Tips to rear Japanese quails: Enjoy their nutritious meat and eggs

Have you ever thought of rearing some Japanese quails for their meat or eggs and not sure how to start it? Rearing Japanese quails is very simple and rewarding. You can rear them for their delicious meat or eggs. You know the benefits of eating their meat or eggs without telling. Their eggs have even more amazing benefits. If you have some children and you love them a lot. You wanna give them the best food ever, think of quails eggs. You won't regret. They are a natural dietary source for vitamins and minerals and you know they are exceptionally delicious. You will love it. Here, I am going to tell you how to actually start your first quail rearing.

Setting up a quails habitat is pretty simple. You don't need a big plan to set it up. It depends on the number of quails you want to start with. Here I am focusing on just 30-50 quails. You can start with a small number like 25. Once you are familiar with how they survive you can gradually increase the number as per your wish.

* Find out a place where you want to keep the quails. It can be in an old garage or backyard or courtyard or anywhere in your garden. If you want to keep in the garden, it will be wise to raise up the ground a little bit and give a rainproof covering. Quails can get sick and die if you make them wet daily. You can also keep them raised up if you want. But I prefer keeping them on the ground as it has many advantages, that you will find out latter in the post. Make something like in the picture below.

All you need is some bamboo, cage wire and nails. Make sure you set up their nesting places. That will boost their desire to lay eggs, and play hide and seek. They love playing. Make some apartments inside too and put some sand or loosen the mud. I do not recommend putting saw dust because the dust fly around and settle in the feed or water when the quails fly or jump up. Buy some feed and water containers. You can also use old kitchen utensils.
If you are a beginner, I recommend ordering two or more weeks old quails. They will start laying eggs soon and you will be encouraged to buy more. Select healthy ones with no bald backs. A day old chicks can be difficult to take care. You can keep the chicks in a warm place for four weeks. You can use 100 watt or 200 watt bulbs for that. In case you are in a place where load shedding is common, you can use some kerosene lanterns. Make sure you are ready with some pre-starter feed and clean water with ORS. Broiler feed is fine and easily available in local poultry stores. Put the feed and water in different shallow containers. Make sure that dogs, cats and other predators don't attack them. If you fear that, keep them in raised cages. So far nothing has attacked my quails.

                                                                                                                        * DAILY CARE
Taking care of Japanese quails is very easy. You can do all other works like work in office, farm, shop, clinics or whatever. Just give 10 minutes every day or every 3 days to the quails. Providing some feed and water is all you need to do. You can also clean up the place once a while. Don't worry they don't die simply if you make the place dry and free from predators.

As I mentioned above, start with broiler pre-starter feed, then continue with starter feed. Once they are a few weeks old, you can give them broiler finisher feed until their death. They lay eggs when they are 5-8 weeks old. To initiate them laying eggs you can feed them with layer max feed. You can also give them some green vegetables if you have time for all those. Quails feed is not limited to just broiler feed, you can use turkey feed or any other feed available at home. They love seeds and insects. You know what I mean. Don't worry about the cost of their feed. They eat so little, may be 10-15 grams per quail. They won't keep eating non stop like broilers.
1. Starter feed

 2. Layer feed

 3. Other feed

 You have read the post and you know rearing quails is that simple. What are you waiting for? Start right away. It is relaxing to keep some quails at home, and the meat and eggs are nutritious. Come on!do it.



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Tuesday, January 8, 2019


Dreams you shouldn't ignore
Who doesn't have a dream once every other day? Dreams are series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. They say dreams are the reflections of our thoughts, may not be always true. We have dreams we never thought of. Haven't we? It is written, '' For a dream comes through the multitude of business; and a fool's voice is known by multitude of words''. It is also written that dreams are useless; it is like chasing the wind. Well I don't know, but I do have dreams that are useful now and then. Here are some dreams that may bring you some fortune/wealth. I don't say anything that I actually don't know. So you can read it wisely.


I do not want to speak about any other type of feces except the human one, because I have not experienced seeing them. Mind you, I never thought about feces and slept or else you would call me a 'savage', right? Hmm...I know you pretty well. Seeing feces clearly in your dreams may bring you some fortunes. The more the feces, the better. The stronger the smell, the better. The more the experience of being disgusted seeing the mountain of feces, the better. What do I mean by better? Well, it means more fortune, more health. Don't worry about how much money you will get on the following day or week. You are most likely to see some money or fortune.


Every one knows seeing some fish in a dream brings some fortune. Whether you are aware or not, it is true, and I have experienced it many many times. Sometimes I get more, at some other times I just get to see some money. The same principle follows here, the more the fish, the bigger the fish, the better. out. Hey, keep in mind, just seeing fish is not enough. You must actually be catching or fishing.


I haven't dreamed of mushrooms for quite a long time. But when I went for collecting mushrooms  in my dream and got a lot of them, I really got something on the following day or week. You may as well experience such incidents in life.

Now, I wonder whether you are thinking of feces, fish and mushrooms. Stop it before people call you crazy. Those dreams should be effortless, not just reflections of your thoughts. One thing that actually applies to this principle is 'belief'. I experienced getting some fortunes when I dreamed of them, so I naturally begin to believe I will always get something nice. And I did get. That perhaps is the working principle here but I know of people who experienced actually getting money when they have these dreams. So, doubt no longer, but believe. If you actually need some money you may be tempted to think of more feces. I don't encourage it.

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Being Old is beautiful: I wanna grow old


Why do I wanna be an old man? Do not misquote me, I didn't say I wanna die real soon.We are living in a world where utility is the means of survival and the basis of acceptance. You are wanted as long as you are useful. You are discarded the moment you are practically useless to the family. If you are not capable of earning, what is the value of your existence? Well, throw them in old age homes. Oh, that is a better place than not being loved and cared, wrong mentality everywhere. Do not define existence value with utility, you can go hell wrong. You are not a 'thing'. You are not a digital camera.
You are a unique human being with personality and of highest value. You are a masterpiece of God's creation ( if u believe that God created all , if you don't, say something else).
Now, coming back on tract, why do I say I wanna be an old man? What motivated me to make such a seemingly stupid statement? Well, today, a few hours ago, I went to watch a local football tournament. Just before the match started, I saw a smart looking old man with his winter suit. He seemed to be happily chewing something. I don't know what he was chewing, who cares! He walked near the football field, sat down and watched the match excitedly. I saw vigor and energy in his eyes. I felt his independent and carefree life. A few young men passed near him and called him respectfully, '' Hi, grandpa ", he nodded his head and continued watching the match without looking at them. He seemed happy and contended. I don't care whether he was really happy inside, but I just got the positive message I needed to.

Being old is not easy, you can't walk as fast as you could walk 20 years ago. You can't dance as beautifully as you did 40 years ago. You can't work like a young man does. Perhaps, you feel sick every other day. May be you need medical care every now and then. You get tired so soon. May be young people misunderstand you. But being old is beautiful.

With age comes maturity, freedom, respect and what not. Every one gets old, every one dies one day. Why should one be scared of getting old? I do not mean young people are less beautiful. You know, you can't describe how beautiful being young is. Every old person wants to go back to their youthful days. Why not? But being young, you got to worry a lot. Hey, you shouldn't but you do. You are worried about your job, your life partner, your children, your income and many many more. I can't help myself looking at the picture below and smile non stop. I am planning to delete my whats App account. Tomorrow never comes.

When you are ripe old, you don't need to worry about your job, your career, your life partner or your children. Everyone is settled. You can just relax watching your favorite games and preparing yourself for a happy death. Life is not finished yet, you got an everlasting one. Who cares whether you believe or not, I believe.


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Monday, January 7, 2019

Who broke your heart? Does it hurt?

Happiness is an inside job
Human life is a constant search for happiness. We do what we do because we want happiness. We eat because we want to survive to be happy. Who eats to die? We go for shopping because we want to be happy. We go for work because we want to be happy. We go for parties because we want happiness. We date, we marry, we have children, all because we want to be happy.
Well, looking at all this and looking into our own life experiences, we find that we always look for happiness on external things. In this digital age we may look for happiness on computer, mobile phones cameras and so on.
People in deep jungles where electricity connection is not available may look for happiness in the animals they catch in the  jungle or in some form of wild intoxicants.

Teens may look for happiness in the smiles or sweet words they get from the opposite sex. Parents may look for happiness in their children and how well they are living.

Money, drugs and sex are three important areas where we think happiness lies. The undeniable truth is that happiness is a necessity for human existence. Without it we literally can't survive.
People get upset because of another persons behavior, deeds or words. We keep blaming others for our unhappiness. We keep blaming others for our broken hearts. We are easily hurt. We get easily angry and disappointed.

Is true happiness really found in external things? The Apple phone you bought thinking that would make you the happiest man on earth doesn't make you happy anymore, right. Does it make you sadder? Possibly...The one you described as your sweet heart as a teen doesn't make you happy anymore, isn't it? Did he/she break your heart? May be...

So, my point is looking for happiness in external things is like searching for a black cat in a dark room where there is no cat. Please do not misunderstand my point. Do things that make you happy, but happiness is already within you. You do not need to search for happiness.
When someone shouts at you, you are not upset because you possess happiness within you. When you loose your job you r not worried or sad because happiness shines bright within you. Your happiness is not defined by persons, things and situations. You do not need them to be happy. You know that everything is under your control. Your emotion is under your control. Unless you press the remote nobody can do anything. In fact nobody does anything, it is you who do everything and blame others, things or situations. Just say 'Yes'  to happiness. Things come and go by, you are not affected. You react when you need to, otherwise be like a good statue.

How to get rid of cold and sore throat real quick with home made remedies? Top 5 home remedies.

Getting rid of cold and sore throat is not as difficult as you might think. If you are a person who cares about you health and so you do not want to swallow those tablets sold in the pharmacies, you might want to know some home made remedies. It's pretty simple treating yourself with some yummy kitchen items and also get the benefits of them. Let us look at some of them.

1. Garlic

 Do not underestimate the power of this strong smelling pungent tasting bulb. You know that you use this as a flavoring in cooking. It is also used widely in herbal medicine. Just add it raw to your snacks and enjoy. Eat it raw everyday to free yourself from cold and sore throat pain for your whole life. In the beginning you may not like its taste and smell but gradually you will love it. I eat it everyday. You will also find your health is improving tremendously. Everyone in the family gets cold and sore throat pain now and then. I never get it. Clap your hands.

2. Black pepper, ginger and garlic

Chop a piece of ginger with a few bulbs of garlic and add a pinch of powdered black pepper. Boil a cup of good water and add the above items. Let it boil for a few minutes. Add a little salt if you want. Pour out in a cup and sip it super hot. Do this twice a day. I always make this remedy for my family and recommend others to do so. Each of the items involved here do have their own health benefits too. Do not neglect your health.

3. Lemon, honey and black pepper.

Who does not like honey and lemon drink? What are you waiting for? Grab some lemons and organic honey and become a home doctor. Take a glass of lukewarm water. Add a table spoon full of honey and lemon. Give a soothing flavor to this with a pinch of black pepper. Drink it like a boss. Each of these items will give you amazing health benefits. Drinking this three together daily in the morning will make you healthy all your life. You can also see your skin becoming healthier, smoother and lighter.  Do not forget to do this.

4. Hot water and salt gargle

Don't you have salt and water at home? Then what are you doing, crying like a baby? Take a glass of hot water. Add some salt and gargle three times a day. Let all your enemies drown in the lake of salty hot water, the greatest revenge you can ever imagine. This is simple but super effective. 

5. Onion

Do you like to drink onion juice? I guess not, but it is very effective. Wow! I love its smell. Take a piece of onion and hold it in your mouth for 15 minutes or make a juice out of it and apply onto your throat. Kill those idiots. kick them down to hell. I did this, I still remember the incident.

6. Turmeric power 

 Many people like yellow colored food, why not you? Take a spoonful of turmeric power and hold it in your mouth. Play with the power inside your mouth. Swallow it slowly. If you like another way, add the power in water and drink it for some days. You can be sure, those sore throat and sinus issues will fly away in fear. You will remember doing this all your life.

I hope you enjoyed reading through these home made remedies. Make your learning a joyful experience. Nothing is too difficult for a willing heart. Stay healthy and positive.

Life after marriage: Are you scared?


People say that once a couple have their first child they try to forget each other and focus their attention on their CHILDREN. Some even go to the extent of saying that their love for each other decreases week by week, month by month and year by year. Contrast to these experiences, a distant aunt of mine told us that she sometimes loves her husband even more than her children. Wow! that is lovely. I see them quarrel every other day. No problem. You see couples fighting over silly things everyday. Some families possess many cooking utensils and Almira with broken marks. Perhaps, the couple threw the utensils at each other in moments of anger .

We have heard of angry wives complaining that their husbands keep on chatting with other women. Seems like they are not satisfied with one woman. They wish they were king Solomon. We have heard of husbands beating up their wives for being unfaithful. Recently, I heard a blind husband yelling at his deaf wife, " You idiot! I am waiting for your death. I couldn't be happier to see you lifeless." Oh no, don't say that. Well, fortunately, she couldn't hear

or else he would be torn apart. Remember, he was blind. On some other occasions the woman shouted similar words to her husband. Lucky that he couldn't see. To cut the story short, the husband is dead and the woman mourns for him almost every single day. I kind of find it sweet. Isn't that an amazing relationship? Who said you can't quarrel after marriage?
Many married people tell me, " Shanta, don't ever think of getting married, it's hard, it's really hard. You know you feel like committing suicide when you have so many worries and troubles and your wife and children don't understand you. The situation is even worse when your children grow up and forget all your sacrifices". 

Hmmm...yeah, that makes some sense. Oh, but, I love my history professor telling us, " Work hard, get a good job, and get married early, and live happily ever after." Isn't that more delicious? Yup, married life isn't that bad, I know.

 So, so, my point is, do not be afraid to get married when you are ready with the resources you need for a nice, happy-life. You may see hundreds of crimes husbands and wives commit to each other. You may hear of hundreds of disobedient children making their parents very sad. But it all depends on the way you build your family relationship. Nothing can go too wrong when you have built a deep foundation of true family love and relationship. Life is sweet and your family is even sweeter. Love life, and your married life won't be a disappointment.