Wednesday, January 2, 2019




How do you choose your goal the right way? Your subconscious mind can easily help you in choosing your right goal. Listen to it carefully. The expectations of your friends and the society you live in may be different from the expectations of your subconscious mind. Successful results of both the expectations may give you satisfactory standing in your life. But fulfilling the expectations of your subconscious mind will give better results and personal satisfaction. There lies the importance of listening to your subconscious mind. 

You must be wondering how your subconscious mind can help you choose your right goal. Keep reading...I have a brother who loves rearing game cocks. No one in the family except him wants to rear game cocks as they seem to be destructive. They destroy vegetables in the garden and keep chasing all the other poultry birds in the compound. They fight, bleed and bring hardly any income to the family.

We scold him for rearing such a destructive creature ( at least in our experience). He gets frustrated and gives them away to his friends or kill them and eat.

No surprise, in his good days, he buys home a few of them again. Nothing stops him from wanting to rear them. This cycle of buy, get upset, kill them away and buy again continues endlessly at least from the time he did his first purchase. Why? What makes him continue this cycle? Well, it is his subconscious mind that dictates him. It reminds him of how game cocks can bring him satisfaction, and indeed he is happy keeping them. At some point of his childhood life he saw gamecocks and loved them immensely. He thought of rearing them when he grows up. It made him happy daydreaming about them. The subconscious mind got hold of that and reminds of it constantly. What is the relation with choosing your goal?

Your family and friends want you to become an engineer or a doctor, whatever it is (at least in India).But you have a passion within you that surfaces now and then. You feel deeply that dream will give you satisfaction and joy. You are confident that you will excel in that area. No matter who says what your desire to be that dream continues endlessly. Nothing can suppress those thoughts because it comes from within you, e.i., your subconscious mind. Choose that goal if it is worth achieving. Because that goal will make you happy in life. You will be successful because you will work with all your heart and mind. Do not listen to too many advice, stick to that right goal. Go ahead with the right work you need to achieve that dream. Glory Awaits you. 

 If  that dream of yours is not worth achieving, erase those thoughts with some mind exercises.

In the upcoming posts we will learn how to  erase our petty petty goals that are not worth our time. Stay tuned.