Saturday, January 5, 2019




We are living in a fast paced world. Everything seems to come so fast. Food comes even faster.

Look at children, they can do almost everything. They can handle all types of digital technology. Even babies feel ashamed to be naked, they hide their faces if we stare at them and adults feel shy to cover themselves.

Our childhood innocence have disappeared. Our love for our parents and siblings have have been blown away by the wind of change. We have become indifferent to each others needs.

We have lost the sense of sin.

Everyone is happy saying there is no sin. In a world like this, it is hard to say this is right and that is wrong because everyone looks for their own survival and personal happiness.

The danger is repeated indulgence in wrong things erodes the the surface layer of our conscience resulting in having a distorted conscience. This makes one understand things only superficially. This is the cause of all the wrong doings in the world today. We rape someone and say the woman dressed inappropriately. We stole someone's property and say he/she has plenty and I have non. We kill someone of different religion and say our religion is the only one right to follow.

We use unfair means in exam or bribe someone and justify it, saying everyone does it. We have sexual intercourse with someone's daughter out of marriage, and say no one is virgin.

At the end of the day, when we have finished all our works, we examine our conscience and see our deeds, we find many wrong things done. We do still justify them, we have no remorse if our conscience is distorted. The point is, how can we attract success when we cannot set our life right. I can see that your mind is arguing with me right now. You want to tell me that there are too many people who achieve success even if they do bad things. Well, what is success if their is no happiness in it? Do you think they are happy? You guess, the face apparently looks bright with happiness and talk big big things. The night never ends without a sleeping Pill. Their success is failure is disguise. They miss out the core element of success. I dare say death comes with a heavy blow. Am I being just too negative? You guess.

Now, my question is- are you worthy to be the partner of success? How do I become a leader of a society or country when I can't look at my fellow beings with the right attitude?

How do I become a doctor when I do not respect the body of another person?

How do I become a sportsman/woman when I do not have sportsmanship?

How do I become a father or caretaker of children when I do not value their existence?

So, naturally, I do not get what I want because I don't deserve it. I do not attract right success because I do not possess the right conscience and right mentality. The simple solution to this is to practice examination of conscience daily and do things accordingly.