Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Being Old is beautiful: I wanna grow old



Why do I wanna be an old man? Do not misquote me, I didn't say I wanna die real soon.We are living in a world where utility is the means of survival and the basis of acceptance. You are wanted as long as you are useful. You are discarded the moment you are practically useless to the family. If you are not capable of earning, what is the value of your existence? Well, throw them in old age homes. Oh, that is a better place than not being loved and cared, wrong mentality everywhere. Do not define existence value with utility, you can go hell wrong. You are not a 'thing'. You are not a digital camera.
You are a unique human being with personality and of highest value. You are a masterpiece of God's creation ( if u believe that God created all , if you don't, say something else).
Now, coming back on tract, why do I say I wanna be an old man? What motivated me to make such a seemingly stupid statement? Well, today, a few hours ago, I went to watch a local football tournament. Just before the match started, I saw a smart looking old man with his winter suit. He seemed to be happily chewing something. I don't know what he was chewing, who cares! He walked near the football field, sat down and watched the match excitedly. I saw vigor and energy in his eyes. I felt his independent and carefree life. A few young men passed near him and called him respectfully, '' Hi, grandpa ", he nodded his head and continued watching the match without looking at them. He seemed happy and contended. I don't care whether he was really happy inside, but I just got the positive message I needed to.

Being old is not easy, you can't walk as fast as you could walk 20 years ago. You can't dance as beautifully as you did 40 years ago. You can't work like a young man does. Perhaps, you feel sick every other day. May be you need medical care every now and then. You get tired so soon. May be young people misunderstand you. But being old is beautiful.

With age comes maturity, freedom, respect and what not. Every one gets old, every one dies one day. Why should one be scared of getting old? I do not mean young people are less beautiful. You know, you can't describe how beautiful being young is. Every old person wants to go back to their youthful days. Why not? But being young, you got to worry a lot. Hey, you shouldn't but you do. You are worried about your job, your life partner, your children, your income and many many more. I can't help myself looking at the picture below and smile non stop. I am planning to delete my whats App account. Tomorrow never comes.

When you are ripe old, you don't need to worry about your job, your career, your life partner or your children. Everyone is settled. You can just relax watching your favorite games and preparing yourself for a happy death. Life is not finished yet, you got an everlasting one. Who cares whether you believe or not, I believe.


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