Saturday, January 5, 2019



We are living in a fast paced world. Everything seems to come so fast. Food comes even faster.

Look at children, they can do almost everything. They can handle all types of digital technology. Even babies feel ashamed to be naked, they hide their faces if we stare at them and adults feel shy to cover themselves.

Our childhood innocence have disappeared. Our love for our parents and siblings have have been blown away by the wind of change. We have become indifferent to each others needs.

We have lost the sense of sin.

Everyone is happy saying there is no sin. In a world like this, it is hard to say this is right and that is wrong because everyone looks for their own survival and personal happiness.

The danger is repeated indulgence in wrong things erodes the the surface layer of our conscience resulting in having a distorted conscience. This makes one understand things only superficially. This is the cause of all the wrong doings in the world today. We rape someone and say the woman dressed inappropriately. We stole someone's property and say he/she has plenty and I have non. We kill someone of different religion and say our religion is the only one right to follow.

We use unfair means in exam or bribe someone and justify it, saying everyone does it. We have sexual intercourse with someone's daughter out of marriage, and say no one is virgin.

At the end of the day, when we have finished all our works, we examine our conscience and see our deeds, we find many wrong things done. We do still justify them, we have no remorse if our conscience is distorted. The point is, how can we attract success when we cannot set our life right. I can see that your mind is arguing with me right now. You want to tell me that there are too many people who achieve success even if they do bad things. Well, what is success if their is no happiness in it? Do you think they are happy? You guess, the face apparently looks bright with happiness and talk big big things. The night never ends without a sleeping Pill. Their success is failure is disguise. They miss out the core element of success. I dare say death comes with a heavy blow. Am I being just too negative? You guess.

Now, my question is- are you worthy to be the partner of success? How do I become a leader of a society or country when I can't look at my fellow beings with the right attitude?

How do I become a doctor when I do not respect the body of another person?

How do I become a sportsman/woman when I do not have sportsmanship?

How do I become a father or caretaker of children when I do not value their existence?

So, naturally, I do not get what I want because I don't deserve it. I do not attract right success because I do not possess the right conscience and right mentality. The simple solution to this is to practice examination of conscience daily and do things accordingly. 


Thursday, January 3, 2019

Visualize and win: proofs here


Visualization techniques have been used by many successful people for many years. No one can deny its power in achieving our dreams. Unfortunately, only a handful of people trust its power and use it to advance  themselves. Many of us daydream for nothing. If one uses visualization technique and master this tool, he/she will have a life of satisfaction. Here, I will narrate to you a few simple incidents to proof its power. You have heard of hundreds of extraordinary achievements with its power. Perhaps, you weren't convinced. Try out the same simple things I tried to convince yourself and use it for your welfare.

Quarrel with a dear Friend
Once I had a quarrel with one of my friends for some trifle matters. He wasn't talking to me for many days. I felt so sorry but I couldn't help myself. So I decided to try out some techniques to bring him back into my life. This is what I did. I sat on my bed with my eyes closed, relaxed my mind and body. I let go all my feelings of hatred, ego, pride, revenge, etc and filled my mind with genuine love for him. Then I visualized him to be coming to me, smiling and loving me. I did this with a lot of emotion and love for him. I actually had a few drops of tears rolling down my cheeks. Can you guess what happened next? He actually came to me and asked me how I was doing and why I didn't call him. I could see love and care in his eyes. what made him do this? I believe it is the power of my visualization. I believe some form of energy comes out of my body and his mind and body receives it and made him feel good about me.

Phone call from mom

Let me tell you one more incident. I was in a hostel as a warden some years ago. One day I wanted to call my mom so much but I didn't have any mobile balance so I was helpless. I didn't feel good to call her through my boss phone, so I just thought of trying out my technique. I closed my eyes and relaxed myself the way I did before and visualized her talking to me through the phone. I did this for around 15 minutes or so. No surprise, she did call me and told me she just felt like talking to me that moment. I thought, wow, this works. 


All of us have studied in schools, colleges or Universities. Many of us have participated in various competitions of college level, state level or national level. I too have participated in various competitions-skit, extempore speech, declamation, elocution, debates, monologue, etc. I participated in numerous competitions. I won every single time I participated.There was not a single time I didn't get the  first prize in any of these competitions. How did I achieve this? 

Well, I won a few times in the beginning of my participation in competitions. Winning in those competitions repeatedly made me think I would always win no matter how tough the competitions were. Every time my name was on the lists of participants to join a competition, I would begin to imagine myself winning it. I also visualized the reactions of people when I perform. I see how they call my name and congratulate me. I imagine of how many people smile at me and admire my performance. You would wonder how things happened exactly the way I imagined/visualized. 

In the beginning of my high school life  I didn't believe that visualization could be so effective. But now I know I am a living testimony to myself. My certificates are the proof of its power.

Well, now, you must be thinking of trying this out. I encourage you to try these proven techniques. Imagine, you use this to visualize your dream goals and actually help you to achieve them. I wish you success.



Wednesday, January 2, 2019



How do you choose your goal the right way? Your subconscious mind can easily help you in choosing your right goal. Listen to it carefully. The expectations of your friends and the society you live in may be different from the expectations of your subconscious mind. Successful results of both the expectations may give you satisfactory standing in your life. But fulfilling the expectations of your subconscious mind will give better results and personal satisfaction. There lies the importance of listening to your subconscious mind. 

You must be wondering how your subconscious mind can help you choose your right goal. Keep reading...I have a brother who loves rearing game cocks. No one in the family except him wants to rear game cocks as they seem to be destructive. They destroy vegetables in the garden and keep chasing all the other poultry birds in the compound. They fight, bleed and bring hardly any income to the family.

We scold him for rearing such a destructive creature ( at least in our experience). He gets frustrated and gives them away to his friends or kill them and eat.

No surprise, in his good days, he buys home a few of them again. Nothing stops him from wanting to rear them. This cycle of buy, get upset, kill them away and buy again continues endlessly at least from the time he did his first purchase. Why? What makes him continue this cycle? Well, it is his subconscious mind that dictates him. It reminds him of how game cocks can bring him satisfaction, and indeed he is happy keeping them. At some point of his childhood life he saw gamecocks and loved them immensely. He thought of rearing them when he grows up. It made him happy daydreaming about them. The subconscious mind got hold of that and reminds of it constantly. What is the relation with choosing your goal?

Your family and friends want you to become an engineer or a doctor, whatever it is (at least in India).But you have a passion within you that surfaces now and then. You feel deeply that dream will give you satisfaction and joy. You are confident that you will excel in that area. No matter who says what your desire to be that dream continues endlessly. Nothing can suppress those thoughts because it comes from within you, e.i., your subconscious mind. Choose that goal if it is worth achieving. Because that goal will make you happy in life. You will be successful because you will work with all your heart and mind. Do not listen to too many advice, stick to that right goal. Go ahead with the right work you need to achieve that dream. Glory Awaits you. 

 If  that dream of yours is not worth achieving, erase those thoughts with some mind exercises.

In the upcoming posts we will learn how to  erase our petty petty goals that are not worth our time. Stay tuned. 



Success is achievement of your goal(s) whatever it may be. Everyone wants to be successful in 
their life but only a few follow the right path. Read through the few steps to begin your journey of success and make it a lifelong long partner

1. Find your right goal through your subconscious mind.

3. Erase your wrong goal from your subconscious mind.

4. Be single minded, stick to your goal.

5. Have a clear and calm mind. 

6. Have the right conscience.

7. Play and sleep with your goal, treat it like a life partner.

8. Take the right action, work smart.

9. Visualize your goal often.

10. Be healthy, Avoid intoxicants.

11. Do not be discouraged by failures.

12. Try again and again, and again.

13. Pray and Stay positive

Your dream ring of success awaits you. Detail explanation of these points will be posted soon, stay tuned. Have a successful life ahead!